行政書士 タン 【TEL:048-767-7150 (日本語、中国語、英語を対応)】 


● 筆者の思い 


If you have any problems with your job or life or status of residence, and if you need help, please do not make the wrong decision and do not self-defeat. Please consult your own country consulate in Japan for help. Or please refer to the following and consult with the appropriate place in light of your own situation.


≪ 参考情報 / Reference Information ≫
・外国人技能実習生の皆さんへ: 仕事に困ったときは、OTIT 外国人技能実習機構(Organization for Technical Intern Training) にご相談下さい。
For foreign technical interns: If you have any problems with your job, and if you need help, please consult with OTIT (Organization for Technical Intern Training).


・会社に雇われている外国人の皆さんへ: 解雇など困ったときは、お近くの労働局、労働基準監督署、ハローワークにご相談下さい。詳細は厚生労働省(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)HP参照下さい。
・For foreigners working in companies: If you have any problems with your job, and if you need help, please consult your local labour bureau, labour standards supervision office or public employment security office (Hello Work). Please refer "Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare" HP for details.


・在留カード、在留資格、就労資格などの申請・更新に困ったときは、法務省(Ministry of Justice) HP の情報を参照の上、お近くの出入国在留管理庁(Immigration Services Agency of Japan) にご相談下さい。
・f you have any problems with your residence card, status of residence, work status, and if you need help, please refer to the information on the Ministry of Justice HP and contact the Immigration Services Agency of Japan near you.


・生活に困窮の方は、どうか過ちを犯さずに、自滅をせずに、日本における自国の領事館に助けを求めて下さい。また、3か月超える在留資格などを持ち、住民票を届け出ている外国人(国籍を問わず、2020年4月27日時点の住民基本台帳に記載されているすべての人)は、現金10万円一律給付(NHK特設サイト)を受給できます。詳細は総務省 特別定額給付金申請サイト(総務省_Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)を参照下さい。
・If you have any problems with your life, please do not make the wrong decision and do not self-defeat. Please consult your own country consulate in Japan for help. Foreigners who have a residence status for more than 3 months and have registered their resident card (those listed in the Basic Resident Register on April 27, 2020) can receive a cash benefit of 100,000 yen (NHK News). For details, please refer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications special fixed benefit application site.


● 行政と民間の支援情報と申請・相談窓口 


・新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する在留諸申請における取扱い等 (法務省_Ministry of Justice HP)


※The following articles are excerpted from the "Ministry of Justice" website. There are many descriptions of each language corresponding to these articles, please refer to the above Ministry of Justice website for details.


・2020年4月23日→在留申請手続のオンライン化拡大 (出入国在留管理庁_Immigration Services Agency of Japan HP)
・2020年4月17日→実習が継続困難となった技能実習生等に対する雇用維持支援策 (法務省_Ministry of Justice HP)
・マッチングによる再就職の実現 (OTIT 外国人技能実習機構_Organization for Technical Intern Training HP)

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